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Canadian Products, Canadian... Social Media?

Why stop at Canadian products? The fediverse is new form of social media change how we interact online. It is a network of independent social media platforms that can communicate with each other.

Similar to email or phone numbers, you can sign up with one service while still being able to interact with people elsewhere. It prevents one company or group from getting too much power, and you get a lot of choice on your online experience! If you would prefer a video explanation, you can find one here.

Fedecan is a Canadian non-profit that is working on setting up more of these platforms. They run, one of the Canadian sections of reddit-like social media platforms. This is where we will eventually make a community, once we settle on a name for this project.

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Articles & Blog Posts

Searching for products alone can be tedious, so we are looking for people to write guides and compilations on specific categories. For example, if you know a lot about Canadian ice cream, you can write a guide or a list of recommendations.

If you would like to write an article or blog post, please fill in this form with information about what you would like to write about, and we will get back to you as soon as possible:

Please don't start writing until you have received a confirmation from us, since we don't want you to waste your time on something that we might not be able to publish.